Application Security

Security breaches affecting applications are among the most common types of security incidents. There are numerous statistics highlighting the importance of application security as a critical component of a comprehensive Cyber Security strategy.

Application Security refers to the process of identifying, fixing, and preventing security vulnerabilities in software applications. It involves incorporating security measures into the design, development, deployment, and maintenance of software applications to protect them from potential security threats and attacks. The goal of application security is to ensure that the application functions properly and securely, and that sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure. There are many security concerns related to application development including:

      • Broken Authentication and Session Management
      • Insecure Cryptographic Storage
      • Insecure Communications
      • Insecure Configuration Management
      • Insecure Third-Party Components

Based on the above it is critical to include security into the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) by following these steps:

Design for Security. During the design phase, the development team should consider how to incorporate security into the design of the application. This includes selecting secure architecture patterns, secure coding practices, and security controls.

Implement Secure Coding Practices. Secure coding practices are a critical component of building secure applications. This involves training developers on secure coding practices, using secure coding guidelines, and conducting code reviews to identify and fix security vulnerabilities.

Perform Security Testing. Security testing should be performed throughout the SDLC to ensure that security requirements are met. There are various security testing techniques that can be used during the SDLC, including:

Static Application Security Testing (SAST). This involves analyzing the application’s source code or binary code for security vulnerabilities. It is typically performed during the early stages of development.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST). This involves testing the application’s security by simulating attacks against a running instance of the application. It is typically performed during the later stages of development, when the application is closer to being deployed.

Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST). This involves combining the techniques of SAST and DAST to test the application’s security in real-time. It provides a more comprehensive view of the application’s security posture and is typically performed during the later stages of development.

Penetration Testing. This involves simulating an attack against the application to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. It is typically performed during the later stages of development or after the application has been deployed.

Threat Modeling. This involves identifying potential threats to the application and analyzing the potential impact of those threats. It is typically performed during the early stages of development and can help inform the development of security controls.

Implement Security Controls. Security controls should be implemented throughout the application to help mitigate security risks. This includes access controls, authentication and authorization, encryption, monitoring, and logging.

Maintain Security. Security is an ongoing process that requires maintenance and updates over time. This includes patching vulnerabilities, monitoring for security incidents, and conducting regular security assessments.

We offer many application security services like:

      • Assessing your current Application Security measures and coverage.
      • Designing and implementing a proper Software Development Life Cycle including all relevant aspects like designing for security, implementing secure coding practices, performing various security tests, and more.
      • Conducting ongoing security assessments and audits to ensure that configurations are secure and remain secure over time.
      • Designing and implementing appropriate user authentication methods and defining and establishing proper role-based access policies.
      • Defining and implementing appropriate data protection policies, procedures and mechanisms.
      • Performing data protection audits to ensure that you are following applicable laws and regulations.
      • Performing comprehensive code reviews.
      • Designing and delivering a comprehensive secure coding education program covering languages like C, C++, Java, and Python. Topics include:
      • Web Application Security
      • Desktop Application Security
      • Cloud Application Security for Azure
      • Cloud Application Security for AWS
      • Machine Learning Security
      • Security Testing