Expert On-Demand Options


From time to time customers would like to hire one or more individuals because they feel our expert(s) are the right fit for them.

We won’t be in the way if this is what all parties desire, however we will charge a small service fee that depends on the duration of the corresponding rental agreement


This is our flagship offering to make it very, very easy for you if you are intending to hire one or more individuals. We are aware that there are various trainee / talent programs on the market, but all require you to pay upfront without any real guarantee for success.

We are convinced that we know what we are doing so we take care of all hiring and education risk; you only pay if you are satisfied with the skills of the individual and the individual itself.

How does it work?

      • We look for suitable candidates and will present them to you
      • You select one or more candidates
      • We (not you) hire the candidate(s) and close all their (skill) gaps
      • Once they are ready you may hire the person(s) or proceed with a rent-to-hire model. In this case the minimum rental period is three months and all terms and conditions of rent-to-hire apply.
      • If you hire immediately you have a trial period of usually three months to decide if you want to keep the candidate
      • If you decide to keep the candidate, we will charge our service fee depending on skillset, model, etc.
      • Otherwise you simply cancel the agreement without any further obligations

Too good to be true? Let’s talk, we are happy to answer all your questions.